Special Projects
From time to time the Keck Foundation invites major grants that have the potential for high impact on a field or a region. We believe the potential philanthropic effect, which we call the “Keck Effect”, will contribute to these significant endeavors. Special projects are exclusively initiated by the Foundation's Board of Directors.
Special Projects by Program

Special Projects
Please see below for a representative selection of the Foundation’s special projects.

KCET Community Television of Southern California
1977-2010 - $19m
Setting the standard for children’s educational programming over almost 40 years, Sesame Street has enriched the lives of countless preschoolers and prepared them to enter school with basic literacy, math and social skills. The daily talk shows A Place of Our Own and Los Niños en Su Casa offered some of the only freely accessible resources for parents, informal caregivers and daycare providers for children under the age of five.

W. M. Keck Observatory
1985-1993 - $150m
Home to the twin 10-meter Keck telescopes, which together form the world’s largest optical telescope, the Keck Observatory is situated near the summit of Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii and is a joint project of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the University of California.

USC Keck School of Medicine
1998-Present – $166m

Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences
1997-2004 - $70m

National Academies Keck Futures Initiative
2002 - $40m
The 15-year Keck Futures program was designed to stimulate interdisciplinary scientific and technological research that bridges disciplines, cultures, institutions and methodologies. It supports the Futures conferences and seed grants to its participants.

Keck Institute for Space Studies — California Institute of Technology
2007 - $24m

Chapman University
2017 - $20m

Claremont McKenna College
2018 - $40m

UCLA Biomedical Initiative
2018 - $20m