Research Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a designated liaison?

Please see our liaison guidelines for more information.

Who is my institution’s designated liaison?

Contact your central development office.

The contact information for the designated liaison for my institution is out of date, how do I update it?

Send an email to

What are the Foundations funding priorities?

Please see the Research Program’s funding guidelines.

What do you specifically not fund?

Please see the Research Program’s funding guidelines.

Do you give grants to individuals?

No, the Foundation only makes grants to eligible institutions.

My Institution’s tax status recently changed; how do I determine my eligibility to apply for a Keck grant?

For a complete list of eligibility requirements for the Research Program, please see our eligibility requirements.

Do you give grants for Undergraduate Education projects?

The Foundation does not accept Undergraduate Education Program grant applications. We support Undergraduate Education only through Board initiated transformative special projects.

Do you give grants outside the United States?

No, the Foundation restricts its grantmaking to organizations located within the United States.

Can a research collaborator be funded outside of the United States?

Yes, but only a maximum of 10% of the requested amount may be paid to a collaborator outside the United States.

Are University systems limited to one application per cycle for the whole system?

No, each unit within the system may apply.

Do you give grants to organizations outside California?

The Foundation’s Research Program funds projects nationwide.

How often may I apply for a grant?

Applicant institutions may submit one Phase I application online per grant cycle to each of the Research program areas: Medical Research and, Science & Engineering Research.

When are grants made?

Grants are approved by the Foundation’s Board in June and December.

May I request a no cost extension?
Yes, NCEs may be approved at the discretion of Foundation staff. See current grantees for additional information.

Please direct further questions to a Foundation Program Coordinator or:

Please direct technical questions to: